Thursday, September 27, 2007 

Uterine Prolapse Exercises - Take Control Now!

The pelvic floor muscles are comprised of ligaments and tissue that hold the uterus in its proper place. When there is damage or strain on those muscles causing them to weaken, either from several vaginal childbirths, or a loss of estrogen, the uterus may prolapse, or sag and eventually descend into the vaginal canal. The symptoms of uterine prolapse vary in severity, with some women experiencing no sign of the condition at all.

Moderate to severe cases of uterine prolapse may cause symptoms that include:

- A feeling of heaviness or pressure in the pelvis.

- Painful intercourse.

- Abdominal or lower back pain.

- Feeling something protruding, or the sensation that something is about to fall out of the vagina.

The Kegel exercise

Kegel, or pelvic muscle exercises are named after the doctor who popularized them, teaching women how to strengthen and tone these muscles, helping eliminate incontinence, and reducing the chances of a prolapsed uterus. 15 minutes each day of Kegel exercises can make a noticeable difference in bladder control as well as strengthening the pelvic muscles, which are like any other muscle in the body, needing exercise to stay strong.

To find the correct muscles, start out by trying to stop the flow of urine, youll know if youve found the right muscles if you are in fact able to stop urinating. Another method of locating the pelvic floor muscles is to lie down, insert a finger into the vagina, and again bear down again as if you were stopping the flow of urine. If you feel a tightening around your finger, youve found the pelvic floor muscles.

To do the Kegel exercise, begin by lying down, tightening the pelvic floor muscles, and then holding for a count of three to five seconds. Relax the muscles for another count of three to five, and then repeat the process over again for another set, doing the same thing three times a day. Remember to have patience, as it may take weeks or even months to notice a difference.

Your goal should be to gradually work your way up to 10 or 15 repetitions each time you exercise. Once youve mastered the practice lying down, try doing the exercises sitting down, and then while standing up, varying the position each time. Be careful not to tighten any other muscle group or hold your breath while doing Kegel exercises, particularly if youre having problems with urinary incontinence. Putting pressure on the wrong group of muscles may cause extra stress on the bladder.

To avoid a prolapsed uterus:

- Do regular Kegel exercises.

- Maintain a regular, healthy weight.

- Practice proper lifting techniques and avoid straining.

- Control coughing by not smoking and treating chronic coughs and bronchitis.

- Have regular physical check-ups that include pelvic examinations.

- Older women with concerns may want to speak to their doctor about estrogen replacement therapy (ERT).

For additional information about uterine prolapse, please visit

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How You Can Overcome Nicotine With Nicocure

It has no IQ and can't plot, plan or conspire against you. It's true; cigarettes do not have any magical properties. A cigarette cannot help you give a better speech, get through a stressful situation or cope with a rebellious teenager.

Don't believe me? Try the following. Take a cigarette and place it in front of you. Tear it apart so all of the insides are exposed. Study it carefully. Give it a few good sniffs, just to make sure you don't miss anything.

Then ask yourself:

Why do I allow these strips of paper and brown pieces of tobacco to control me?

Do I really have to inhale the deadly smoke of this object to make me happy?

What about inhaling this deadly smoke do I find so enjoyable?

I think you will find that you can't really find answers that make any sense. Truly, a cigarette is a dead, inanimate object.

Why then are we, the superior beings, at its beck and call? Even after we've rid our bodies of the nicotine?

Because we give it the power. By believing that it's a necessary part of our lives, that it makes us happy, that without it life just won't be so good.

Most of us wonder at some time or another how we ever got to the stage where we believe this.

Well, think about it. The tobacco companies spend millions to make sure that we start believing this and keep on doing so. For many years we've been bombarded with advertisements of beautiful, rich, supposedly happy people having a cigarette. You could hardly watch a movie without the hero or heroin lighting up regularly.

Conclusion: You are happier and sexier when you smoke. Even if we didn't believe it consciously, our sub-conscious mind was getting the message loud and clear.

So, what now that you are truly hooked and believe sincerely that you simply cannot do without a regular nicotine fix? Open your mind to the truth.

Getting nicotine out of your system takes about 72 hours. During this time you can use a product that doesn't contain nicotine, like Nicocure, to help you cope with withdrawal symptoms. Remember this; you want all nicotine out of your body, for good. If you replace your cigarettes with gums or patches that still supply your body with nicotine, you are simply making things harder on yourself.

Think ahead. You have successfully rid your body of nicotine. Any thoughts now, telling you that you need a cigarette, is not because your body craves nicotine. It is back to your powerful mind and what it makes you believe.

It is time to turn the false beliefs around and accept the truth:

Smoking is a nasty way of killing yourself.

Cigarettes are robbing you of a good life and the happiness you deserve.

You do not need nicotine in your system; as a matter of fact, you don't need any of the poisons you get into your body through cigarette smoke.

Remember, just as your mind could convince you that you needed to smoke, it is equally powerful to do the opposite.

For the more insider information on Nicocure and how it can HELP YOU to quit YOUR smoking habit safely once and for all, be sure to check it all out at the Nicocure Review Blog or at

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