Thursday, September 20, 2007 

How to Lose Man Boobs Without Surgery

In order to lose man boobs there are a few things you can do outside of surgery with great results. Combining a few methods can take care of the problem, or sometimes just one route is enough.

1. Check out medications. See your doctor for any meds that can act to reduce the breast gland in the chest. Tamoxifen Citrate, or common brand name Nolvadex, is something you should research and ask your doctor about possibly prescribing. Many man boob sufferers have had good success using Nolvadex to decrease 'breast lumps'. You may need to introduce literature to your doctor if he is not already up to speed with Nolvadex and its effects on reducing man boobs or gynecomstia. Remember that he works for you and your body is important and every consideration to improve it should be taken seriously.

2. Chest exercises. Even with prescription treatment, men can still experience flabbiness and gynecomstia symptoms around the chest which only can be reduced with specific, targeted exercises. Exercise has evolved and continues to evolve. The old adage that targeting a "specific part" of the muscle is "impossible" simply is not true, and has been proven wrong by individuals who've gone against the standard exercise grain. The old guard will continue to fight and debate to uphold their point simply in shame and fear of being proven wrong. Meanwhile results speak for themselves, and individuals have since successfully targeted muscles to improve performance and/or appearance. Targeted chest exercises can greatly reduce and eliminate the man boob appearance.

For a very good and highly effective online chest program to reduce man boobs, see Here you can learn how to specifically reduce man boobs through easy to learn techniques and exercises.

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